iOS | Android

Market Research
Feature Development
UX Design
Launch Strategy
Post launch Management

Market Research

Understanding the Problem
The inspiration for a journaling app stemmed from the realization that many people struggle with overthinking and I am having a hard time too. We all at some point have been an overthinker in our lives due to various factors. Let us call ‘em superhumans. Superhumans often have a constant stream of thoughts, ideas, and emotions that can feel overwhelming and unmanageable. I have been told on my face often that I am an overthinker(i might say superhuman).

Existing Apps
A thorough analysis of existing journaling and note-taking apps revealed several gaps(personally for me): (e.g. Day One, Diarium, new iOS Journal)

Identifying the Target Audience
The primary target audience for Chitraan includes:

User Needs and Preferences
Interviews and surveys with potential users highlighted specific needs:

So lets build one.

Feature Development


Understanding superhuman’s needs

Prioritizing Core Features
Given the wide array of possibilities in a journaling app, we prioritized features that would most effectively address our users’ pain points (also by copying features already available in other journaling apps, because why not???):

User Experience (UX) Design

Loosely inspired by this

Design Philosophy
The focus was on minimizing friction, so our superhumans could concentrate on capturing their thoughts without being bogged down by complicated interfaces or unnecessary features.

Intuitive Interface

Responsive Design

Feedback-Driven Iteration


MERN + Flutter + AWS EC2

Architecture and Technology Stack

Mobile application is built using Flutter, a framework that allows for consistent performance across both iOS and Android platforms. To provide a rich text editing experience, Chitraan integrates the Quill Editor, enabling superhumans to format their notes with a variety of styles.

Why flutter? - A. less hassle of two codebases and good surface rendering support

The backend - Amazon EC2 instances, where Node.js and Express serve as the foundation for the API hosted at This setup allows for efficient handling of requests and smooth communication between the app and server. MongoDB, also hosted on EC2, is used as the primary database, offering flexibility and scalability for storing superhuman data.

Frontend, built with React.js, is hosted on Netlify, providing a fast and reliable interface for superhumans.

Security and Deployment

Security is a top priority as we hold a lot of personal data. The API ( is secured with SSL certificates managed by Certbot and Let’s Encrypt, ensuring encrypted communication between the server and superhuman’s devices. This helps protect superhuman’s data from potential interception.

For the app’s deployment, the mobile versions are signed using Apple provisioning profiles for iOS and Java Keystore for Android, ensuring that the app is securely distributed through the respective app stores.

I also placed a app version controller in place to render the old app versions obselete.

JWT tokens are issued with access and refresh token logic.

also I have containerized images using Docker compose for easier microservice management.

Continuous Integration and Performance Optimization

Chitraan utilizes continuous integration practices to streamline the development process. By automating testing and deployment through platforms like GitHub Actions, Netlify CI and Firebase app distribution the team ensures that new features and updates are released with minimal disruption.

Performance is optimized through the use of lazy loading for journal entries and media, reducing load times and memory usage on mobile devices. This ensures that Chitraan remains fast and responsive, even when handling large volumes of data. having said that, there is a ton of room for optimization.

Launch Strategy

1. Pre-Launch Preparation
Before launching, some market research to understand our target audience—individuals prone to overthinking who could benefit from structured journaling. We also identified key influencers and early adopters in the mental wellness and productivity space to help generate buzz.

2. Beta Testing
Initiated a closed beta testing phase, inviting a select group of superhumans to try out Chitraan before its official release. This allowed us to gather valuable feedback on usability, performance, and features. Used this feedback to make final adjustments, ensuring the app met the needs of our superhumans. Honestly I had only 4 testers xD.

3. Marketing and Branding
Crafted a clear and compelling brand message: “Put overthinking to great use.” This message was consistently communicated across all marketing materials.

4. Cross-Platform Launch
The app was launched on both iOS(27 August, 2024) and Android platforms(4 sept 2024), with Android lagging a bit behind. We worked closely with both the App Store and Google Play Store to ensure that our app met all guidelines and was featured prominently in relevant categories. This part out of everything, drained me mentally and I had to journal this scenario. I needed an app to Journal. Wait a minute!

5. App Store Optimization (ASO)
We implemented a comprehensive ASO strategy to increase visibility in app stores. This included optimizing the app’s title, description, keywords, and screenshots to ensure it appeared in search results for relevant queries. We also encouraged early users to leave positive reviews and ratings, which helped improve our app’s ranking.

6. Launch Day
Just launched it, because I need a job and cannot put so many hours into this. But it was impressive that I was able to take an app up in such less time. As what she said, Ankit be more aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

7. Post-Launch Follow-Up
After the launch, I grabbed a crate of bear for my room mate and me, Blue Moon, back to facing the reality of not having a job. As i write this, 3 hours ago I received a rejection email from an interview yesterday.

8. Continuous Improvement
The launch was just the beginning. I am committed to continuously improving Chitraan based on user feedback and market trends. Regular updates, new features, and enhancements have kept the app relevant and valuable to our users, driving sustained growth.

1. User Feedback Collection

2. Iterative Updates and Feature Enhancements

3. Analytics and User Behavior Tracking

4. User Support and Community Building

5. Continuous Improvement Cycle

6. Marketing and User Acquisition

7. Monitoring and Addressing App Store Reviews

8. Long-Term Vision and Roadmap

The above points are focused, adding to which I want to build a newsletter and a team. Please Hit me up!